I've set up an auto-updating web page for GSRC [1]. In order to achieve
this, I have a cron job that runs a script to update the page and then
commit to the CVS repo. Since this has to run unattended, I needed to
use a password-less SSH key. It was recommended to me by someone at
webmast...@gnu.org that this particular key be restricted in its
capabilities in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, but I don't have any
kind of shell access to Savannah. Would it be possible for an admin to
put some restrictions on that key? It should only be able to commit to
the GSRC web CVS repository, and nothing else.

My user account is "brandon" and the key in question has
"bran...@fencepost.gnu.org" in its comment.


[1]  http://www.gnu.org/s/gsrc/package-list.html

Brandon Invergo

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