On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 03:17:09AM -0500, Derrick Robert Watson wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm new to GNU/Linux. I would like to know if there is a way to get all the 
> packages in one shot? Without poking each link individually like a command or 
> a program to blast download the entire gnu directory? I'm a native Windows 
> user that is looking for a suitable alternative to the 
> being-robbed-at-gun-point prices that Windows OSs currently have. Getting the 
> sources and the Linux kernel I will build my own GNU/Linux.

Hi Derrick,

This mailing list, savannah-help-pub...@gnu.org, is for help with GNU
Savannah, not general questions regarding GNU/Linux.  On a quick
sidenote, I'd strongly recommend using a distribution of GNU/Linux,
and not attempting to build everything yourself.

For a list of free distributions, look here:


For help regarding the above distributions, look around each
distribution's webpage and search for support, or a support mailing

All the best,


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