Hi Rik, Is it possible to disable the automatic text markup features
Good question. At the end of https://savannah.gnu.org/cookbook/?func=detailitem&comingfrom=1548&item_id=125 I see this little tidbit: +nomarkup+ ... -n Or perhaps (from that same web page) +verbatim+ .. -verbatim- would work better in your case. I've never used either one. I gather what you really want to is to automatically turn it off for all reports, e.g., (perhaps) prefill those tags. I don't see that in the existing bug configuration stuff, e.g,. https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/admin/field_values.php?group=octave but perhaps it is in there somewhere. If any other savannah folks have more info or look into it further, I'm sure they'll chime in. Web searches for things like disable savane markup turned up some previous mail about it, but I didn't quickly see any useful answers. Sorry, Karl