
                 Summary: Are download statistics for JavaScript files
                 Project: Savannah Administration
            Submitted by: valkov
            Submitted on: Wed 09 Mar 2011 01:40:55 PM GMT
                Category: Project download area (non-GNU)
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                  Status: None
             Assigned to: None
        Originator Email: 
        Operating System: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any




My project Linterna Mágica [1] provides a compiled JavaScript files in the
form of userscripts. These are executed by the Greasemonkey extension in GNU
IceCat. Browsers like Midori and Epiphany have their own implementation.
Userscript files use ".user.js" as a suffix.

Is there a way to have statistics for these files in the download statistics
page? [2] My previous experience with awstats and the tests I've made here at
Savannah, suggest that URLs to JavaScript files are not counted. Statistics
from my personal web site, where the project's web and download pages are
still hosted, show that the uncompressed userscript file is downloaded the

One option to have statistics, is to stop releasing uncompressed userscript
files, and provide only gzip and bzip2 compressed versions (file.user.js.gz
and file.user.js.bz2). This way users will not be able to install the
userscript directly from the website. The Greasemonkey extension in GNU IceCat
and implementations in other browsers can only detect and install uncompressed

Another option is to keep hosting  the web and download pages of the project
at my own site, where I could have statistics for uncompressed userscripts.
This way Savannah will be used for bugs, mailing list and svn.

[1] https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/linterna-magica/



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