Update of sr #107459 (project administration): Assigned to: None => Beuc
_______________________________________________________ Follow-up Comment #1: As far as I can see your mail system is using a BATV-style system to prevent backscatter spam. lists.gnu.org verifies that your e-mail sender (modified by BATV) is valid - and apparently it isn't. In general this means that: - you need to send your e-mails using the same service that will receive the answers (e.g. your smtp and pop/imap servers must be administered by the same IT admins) - or, that BATV is not configured properly. (The headers you posted are a bit confusing though, because you tried to mail savannah-users-owner to discuss a problem with lwip-users?) This should help you figure out the problem. If there's still a problem, I'll ask the mail.gnu.org sysadmins. _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <http://savannah.gnu.org/support/?107459> _______________________________________________ Message posté via/par Savannah http://savannah.gnu.org/