
I am an active member of the 'viewmail' user community.  The erstwhile
maintainer of the project, Robert Widhopf-Fenk, has been unavailable
for more than a year, and some of the maintenance issues have now
become urgent.

I have been maintaining the code base at launchpad.net/vm, along with
participation from other interested users.  I would like to request
admin access to the Savannah's 'viewmail' project so that I can post
new releases.

Uday Reddy

Use plain text for effective email.
See http://www.tcrlist.com/Configuring_Plain_Text.htm.

Prof. Uday Reddy                Tel: +44 121 414 2740             
Professor of Computer Science   Fax: +44 121 414 4281
School of Computer Science      
University of Birmingham        Email: u.s.re...@cs.bham.ac.uk      
Birmingham B15 2TT              Web: http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~udr

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