
                 Summary: Checkout using cumulative tags
                 Project: Savannah Administration
            Submitted by: None
            Submitted on: mar 15 sep 2009 13:52:58 UTC
                Category: Anonymous CVS
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                  Status: None
             Assigned to: None
        Originator Email: jeanmichael.leg...@gmail.com
        Operating System: GNU/Linux
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any



Hello CVS Team !

I would like to perform a checkout action using a list of tags.
So, I have tried the following example:

'MyModule/myFile.c' tagged with TAG_FILE
'MyModule/myOtherFile.c' tagged with TAG_OTHER_FILE

Then, I have launched:
cvs co -r TAG_FILE MyModule
I got 'MyModule/myFile.c'

Then, I have launched:
cvs -r TAG_OTHER_FILE MyModule
And I got 'MyModule/myOtherFile.c' BUT the file 'MyModule/myFile.c' has been
Is it possible to change this behavior in order to keep the checkouted files?
And to update locally, only the files concerned by the cvs tag?

Thank you for you help,

Best Regards,


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