Update of sr #107001 (project administration):

             Assigned to:                    None => karl                   


Follow-up Comment #1:

Hi Chris,

Sorry for the confusion.  I surmise that I and the other volunteer list
helpers just saw the occasional pending message and let them through, seeing
previous such mail in the archives, or something.  We certainly won't do that
any more.  It's true that people cannot add themselves to
accept_these_nonmembers, so don't worry about that.

I changed the list's Reply-To: address and added your description on the
General Options page.

I see you changed the list to reject mail from both members and non-members. 
Rejecting mail from members is fine, but from non-members is a problem,
because lots of spam is forged, and sending a reply to that just causes more
"spam" (from the point of view of the person whose address was forged).  Will
you accept changing that back to hold?

I'm very sorry for the confusion.



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