URL: <http://savannah.gnu.org/support/?106849>
Summary: GNU make repositories ALL missing subdirectory content...?!?! Project: Savannah Administration Submitted by: psmith Submitted on: Wed 03 Jun 2009 12:19:33 AM EDT Category: RECOVERY: CVS/SVN Priority: 5 - Normal Severity: 4 - Important Status: None Assigned to: None Originator Email: psm...@gnu.org Operating System: GNU/Linux Open/Closed: Open Discussion Lock: Any _______________________________________________________ Details: I've looked at all three available recovered repositories for GNU make: 20090427, 20090527, and 20090529-incomplete, and they all seem to have the same exact problem: the root directory of the "make" module and the CVSROOT is fine, but the subdirectories are almost completely empty (there's a ChangeLot and a "parallel" test file but everything else is missing). I've tried to use cvs co to get each one, and I've tried to rsync them, and I get identical results; almost all files in the subdirectories are missing. Very weird, since I did a cvs commit just a week or two ago and it worked fine with no error messages! _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <http://savannah.gnu.org/support/?106849> _______________________________________________ Message sent via/by Savannah http://savannah.gnu.org/