URL: <http://savannah.gnu.org/support/?106700>
Summary: Page statistics/log files? revisited Project: Savannah Administration Submitted by: alexfernandez Submitted on: Sun 29 Mar 2009 05:05:11 PM GMT Category: Project homepages Priority: 5 - Normal Severity: 4 - Important Status: None Assigned to: None Originator Email: ely...@gmail.com Operating System: GNU/Linux Open/Closed: Open Discussion Lock: Any _______________________________________________________ Details: I would like to see page statistics for the hosted project elyxer, especially for the project website and for downloads. I am thinking of something along the lines of awstats or webalizer. For quite a few years there has been a support request pending for site statistics: [[https://savannah.gnu.org/task/index.php?3492]]. But I don't know if there is something already implemented; I could not find it. I have some experience in Debian administration and if necessary would be willing to volunteer some time for this task so that all projects can see their web/ftp statistics. _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <http://savannah.gnu.org/support/?106700> _______________________________________________ Message sent via/by Savannah http://savannah.gnu.org/