Follow-up Comment #5, sr #106481 (project administration):

I'll reply here even if this post is closed, but I don't see this related to
sr #106478, anyway:

I've noticed that on mailing list interface of www-tr [0], if you click on
archives link of any "publicly available" list (say "www-tr-comm" for
instance), it will take you to [1]; but if you do the same with some
"authorization required" mailing list's archive you'll get [2].

As you can see [1] and [2] are different addresses not only because they lead
to different mailing lists, but they have completely different address

Now, in case you can't access to "www-tr-internal"s archives, let me quote
you what you get as a result:

The Www-tr-internal Archives

No messages have been posted to this list yet, so the archives are currently
empty. You can get more information about this list. [3]

But this isn't actually true, since there are messages sent over
www-tr-internal; to prove this click on [3] and go to the www-tr-internal's
listinfo page and there click on arvhives link [4], which will (somehow)
redirect us to [5].

Now, as you can see [1] and [5] will match, except for the last part, which
is perfectly okay.

If I do the same for "www-tr-admin" this will result in [6], which contains:

Not Found

The requested URL /archive/html/www-tr-admin was not found on this server.

I guess this is because we don't have no mails in "www-tr-admin" yet; but I'm
not able to send no mails there, but any other (public or private) mailing
lists available for "www-tr" group, various other mailing lists or
available on the Internet.

I hope info. above could be much of a help.




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