On Tue, Aug 05, 2008 at 11:48:45AM -0600, Rob Savoye wrote:
> Sylvain Beucler wrote:
>> Let us know how it works.
>   It works great! :-) We can now have code review types of conversations 
> as we get the emails, which we've always found useful. We now have two 
> important shared branches, 'rtmp' and 'avm2', and were wondering if 
> commits to those branches could also generate emails ? Most people are 
> doing their primary development locally, and pushing occasionally to the 
> shared repo so the bandwidth shouldn't be too bad. Or just working in 
> trunk...

Ok, I enabled update checks for rtmp and avm2 :)

>   Thanks for getting the commit emails working in the first place! Now  
> all we need is a nice web interface like http://bzr-playground.gnome.org  
> and we'll be super-duper happy. :-)

I'm looking forward to trying a new stable version of loggerhead, when
it comes out.


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