URL: <http://savannah.gnu.org/support/?106335>
Summary: Hide/delete nano CVS tree from homepage Project: Savannah Administration Submitted by: astyanax Submitted on: Wednesday 04/09/2008 at 16:49 Category: Anonymous CVS Priority: 5 - Normal Severity: 2 - Minor Status: None Assigned to: None Originator Email: Operating System: None Open/Closed: Open Discussion Lock: Any _______________________________________________________ Details: Hello, Now that nano has migrated its version control to SVN, can the old CVS tree be hidden from the project homepage? Or if there is something I should do first to cause this to happen automatically, please let me know what it is. Thanks much! _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <http://savannah.gnu.org/support/?106335> _______________________________________________ Message sent via/by Savannah http://savannah.gnu.org/