
                 Summary: Probably newbie's questions... Build my new project
                 Project: Savannah Administration
            Submitted by: peleg
            Submitted on: Sunday 01/06/2008 at 14:10
                Category: Savannah website
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                  Status: None
             Assigned to: None
        Originator Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Operating System: Microsoft Windows
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any




I just started a new project in Savannah; I feel a bit lost, because I just
can't find my way to a good start.

Hopefully, some of you may direct me to the right places, at least in the


Well: I looked in many sites and read many reviews, and it seems like GNU
Arch is the best version-control system for me; but it also seems to be the
most difficult to learn. I have NO experience in ANY version-control system: I
just never used it (I have used SVN as a client - committing changes to a
remote server - but I never *managed* such a system).

I read all of the FAQs and WIKIs that are here and on Arch site (and on Git
site as well), but I can't even answer these simple questions:
* How can I upload files to my project? (it is "empty" at the moment)
* How can I let others upload files? Should I create members, or are these
the same members of Savannah?
* How can I access the "administration" of those systems? (is there a web
administration at all?)
* How can I make it more centralized or less centralized?
* Where will I be able to see a running version (production) of the project?
(to make online tests, to show to others, etc.) - or should I use my own
(shared) server for that?

There are many more questions, but that will suffice for a start...

I promise to write down everything I learn and publish it in one of the
Wikis, so other "newbies" will be able to follow it easily (I am good with

Thanks ahead, (and I welcome you to join my new project, as well... :-) ) -

Peleg Michaeli,


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