
I am the original developer and current maintainer of a GNU-distributed
software called MCSim (simulation software,
under GPL, in standard C, for GNU/Linux primarily). It is more and more
used in academia, industry and government and a 
team from Colorado State is developing an independent port to Windows
and asks for a branching. So far I have kept the 
CVS repository private but I feel it may be time to go public and I
would like to port it to Savannah (preferably, before 
considering SourceForge and the likes). I registered and saw that you
are not accepting new projects.
Can you tell me how long is the expecting waiting time?

Thank you.

Frederic Y. Bois

Frederic Y. Bois,
Scientific Officer - DRC
Parc ALATA, BP 2
5, rue Taffanel
60550 Verneuil en Halatte
tel: + 33 (0)3 44 55 65 96
fax: + 33 (0)3 44 55 61 75
web: http://www.ineris.fr

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