
I’d like to offer some of my skills and time. I’m pretty good with css,
cms of various types, quick and dirty photo/graphics manipulation, kludgey
at best with php, light mysql dba, and other similar skills. My OS
experience is various slackware incarnations, freebsd, some debian based
distros as well - both cli and gui.  I’m most comfortable in SVR4
environments. I can administer small to medium scale postfix/imap
installations with spam and antivirus options.  I can also administer the
apache web server. My sysadmin skills have only been used in small to medium
sized companies but I’m willing to learn from other people too. I have 2 -
5 hours a week. Sometimes more - and occasionally less but with ample
notice, depending on workload.




Jerry M. Gartner

Gartner Web Development, LLC

Sales and Service of reliable Linux, Microsoft, and Unix systems.

Phone: 920-547-4407

Mobile: 920-207-0026


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