> Hello Sysadmins,
> Do you think it is possible to enable Unicode support in
> MHonARC/mharc, so that Praveen can browse the list archives?

I'm embarrassed to say so, but due to lists' current setup, this is highly
problematic. We use a custom, patched version of mhonarc, which
we didn't install or configure (previous generations of sysadmin@), and
is little documentation on it.

Upgrading it is not a simple task, at all.

This is another thing we had planned on dealing with when we upgrade the
system. I realize this task is very, very much behind schedule, but
there have
been a number of campaigns and/or other tasks (GPLv3, badvista, rms,
etc, etc,
etc) which have slowed down this upgrade to a near-crawl.

I realize it is taking far longer than is reasonably necessary and 
I apologize for that.

If it is absolutely urgent to smash this problem immediately (up to s-h@, 
I make no judgement as to its priority in the overall queue because I do not
know how many people are affected by this), Ward and I will take a look at 
taking a flamethrower to the existing cruft-laden setup, and see what 
is possible.


Justin Baugh (baughj at gnu dot org)
Systems Administrator
Free Software Foundation

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