Hi folk,

I am the list moderator for the gnuspeech mailing list.

Vikas J Shivpuriya -- a list member -- wrote to me earlier today asking me to remove a posting he made to the list on June 17 2007 at 8.02 am with all his contact information. The posting has been picked up and distributed by (an)other site(s). I have trolled through the list admin site and cannot find an option/command that would allow me to delete his posting, or the thread (two items) in which it occurs. Vikas would like to limit any further distribution of the information.

Please advise.

Many thanks.

David Hill, Prof. Emeritus,
CS Dept, U. Calgary,
Calgary, AB T2N 1N4 Canada


Simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures (Tao Te Ching #67)

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