I noticed something funny when I sent this last message and after
investigating I got to the following:

Asking Gnus to follow up to such a request tells me (when edebugging) that
the message's header is (after some Gnus massaging):

[83376 "Membership request for group emacs"
 "Riccardo Murri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
 #("Thu, 06 Sep 2007 18:30:03 +0000" 0 1 (gnus-time (18144 18219)) 1 31 nil)
 "" 3025 47
 "localhost emacs:83376"
 ((To . "Stefan Monnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Eli Zaretskii <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
\"Richard M. 
 F. Storm\" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"))]

Notice how the "To:" line has utf8+base64 encoded a whole bunch of addresses
(between Richard and Kim) into a single blob.  Maybe Gnus is doing something
funny here, but maybe the problem is on the savannah side and might have
caused Richard, Miles, and Francesco (the three email addresses hidden
inside the base64 blob) to fail to receive that email.


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