On Wed, Sep 05, 2007 at 02:44:37PM +0200, Yann Garcia wrote:
> Hello,
> I whish to start a new domotic project. This project will include some
> electronic parts (circuiteries...), some assembler programs for PIC
> µcontroler developemnts and some computer development for management
> application (using mono project on linux or Windows).
> My first idea was to use Sourceforge. But after reading the following paper
> (http://www.france.fsfeurope.org/news/article2001-10-20-01.fr.html), I
> decide that it will be a good idea to use nongnu Savanah to put all my
> works. All my work will be 'free' and open.
> My question is: does it match with your requirements (GPL licenses and so
> on)?
> Thanks a lot,


It's great that you want to use a completely free forge :)

Theoretically your project matches our requirement; to have a
definitive answer, please submit your project at Savannah through the
"Register new project" link: it will be reviewed by our team and we'll
start a discussion if there are points that needs to be fixed before



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