
                 Summary: Account messed up
                 Project: Savannah Administration
            Submitted by: strk
            Submitted on: Saturday 09/01/2007 at 11:19
                Category: None
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                  Status: None
             Assigned to: None
        Originator Email: 
        Operating System: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any



Hello savannah hackers. First of all Thanks a lot for your execllent work !!

Now, the nasty things:

Since one or two weeks it seems my account (strk) is messed up on savannah.
The most disturbing and reproducible symptom is that, when logged in, I can
NOT browse Gnash project bugs:

Initially, the above url used to return a 'blank' page, nowadays it luckly
returns some more informations:

 db_query: SQL query error Column 'submitted_by' in 
           order clause is ambiguous in 
  user_assigned_to.user_name AS assigned_to,
  user_submitted_by.user_name AS submitted_by,
  bugs.date FROM bugs ,user user_assigned_to,
  user user_submitted_by 
  WHERE bugs.group_id='8191' AND 
  (bugs.spamscore < '5' OR submitted_by='27281') AND 
  bugs.status_id IN ('1') AND 
  bugs.severity IN ('8','9') AND 
  user_assigned_to.user_id=bugs.assigned_to AND 
  ORDER BY submitted_by ASC LIMIT 0,50]

Both initially and nowadays the symptom does NOT show
up in the following cases:

 1) Browsing bugs of another project, I'm not a
    member of, like
 2) Browsing bugs of a project on non-gnu.org I'm a member
    of, like:

 3) Browsing gnash bugs but w/out being logged in
    (this requires removing the cookie, or I keep being
    redirected to it). 

 4) (not confirmed by myself)
    Browsing gnash bugs logged in as a different
    project member (reported by others in the team)

Hope this is enough info to easily find out what the
problem is. Managing bugs is being an hard experience
(clean cookies, browse as anonymouse, login when in need
to update one).

Thanks in advance.


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