On Thu, Jul 05, 2007 at 04:34:08PM -0400, Richard Stallman wrote:
>     People who can't access the CVS ports because of firewall outgoing
>     traffic restrictions need to talk with their sysadmins about the
>     uselessness of such restriction, and the constraints it imposes on
>     us.
> I am sure they have tried to do so.  Maybe some succeed in convincing
> their sysadmins, while others have failed.  Do you have any advice to
> offer for how they can say to succeed?
> Should I ask Emacs developers who have had this problem to do
> something with you?

If they can determine whether the outgoing traffic restrictions is the
consequence of a sound decision (and which one), or just the result of
netadmin incompetence / lack of time, that will help us define the
range of solutions we can use.

Usually when we ask about the reason of the restriction, users don't
know, which is why I'm under the impression that they didn't contact
their network administrators (and fix the problem at the root).


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