When I go here:
I see:

"Error: Failed to connect to database. Please contact as soon
as possible server administrators. Until this problem get
fixed, you will not be able to use this site."

That's probably the reason I can't log in: when I try, I see
that same message again, with "Invalid User Name" appended.
I'm very sure I typed my name correctly, didn't have CapsLock
on, etc.

Perhaps these difficulties are related to the problem I was
originally going to report. At 20070313T0148Z I did this:

  /c/lmi/src/lmi[0]$cvs commit -m"Add code-review comments" database_view.cpp 
multidimgrid_any.cpp rounding_view_editor.hpp tier_view_editor.hpp
  /sources/lmi/lmi/database_view.cpp,v  <--  database_view.cpp
  new revision: 1.5; previous revision: 1.4
  /sources/lmi/lmi/multidimgrid_any.cpp,v  <--  multidimgrid_any.cpp
  new revision: 1.11; previous revision: 1.10
  /sources/lmi/lmi/rounding_view_editor.hpp,v  <--  rounding_view_editor.hpp
  new revision: 1.10; previous revision: 1.9
  /sources/lmi/lmi/tier_view_editor.hpp,v  <--  tier_view_editor.hpp
  new revision: 1.11; previous revision: 1.10
  Read from remote host cvs.sv.gnu.org: Connection reset by peer
  cvs [commit aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)

but the commit succeeded despite that message: I did a cvs
update from the server to a different local directory, and
the files compared identical. However, at 20070313T1439Z
I tried committing something else, and it failed:

  /c/lmi/src/lmi[1]$cvs commit -m"Include any local header for a public base 
class first" database_view_editor.hpp tier_view_editor.hpp
  cvs commit: cannot open /sources/lmi/CVSROOT/commitinfo: Input/output error
  /sources/lmi/lmi/database_view_editor.hpp,v  <--  database_view_editor.hpp
  new revision: 1.9; previous revision: 1.8
  cvs [commit aborted]: could not open lock file 
`/sources/lmi/lmi/,database_view_editor.hpp,': Read-only file system

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