Update of sr #105774 (project administration):

             Assigned to:                    None => Beuc                   
                 Summary:   savannah login weired => savannah login weird   


Follow-up Comment #2:

"When using a browser (namely konqueror) with some restricted cookie settings
(sending cookie only to sending server) the login fails and the response
claims that the cookies are set off in browser. But that is false alarm
because it works perfectly on other sites which save the sessionid in

Can you give me the exact cookies settings so I can reproduce the issue?

Maybe that's because we register a domain-wide cookie (*.savannah.gnu.org).

"Further I dislike the default activation of autologin to other sites
(savannah.nongnu.org) in the login form."

I activated it myself :) Because I use both gnu and nongnu. Anyway, both
sites are hosted by the same hardware and shared the same database. No
security risk involved.


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