On Fri, Apr 07, 2006 at 05:19:14PM -0500, Karl Berry wrote:
>     Can you check if the list config (domains, etc) is correct? 
> The domains/gnu.org file is there.

Yeah, jag added it actually.

>     In the perl script, namely, we pass the list domain to Mailman (so
>     the Mailman virtual config kicks in).
> host_name on the General Options page is set to gnu.org.
> Is anything else supposed to happen?

I guess Mailman took the default virtual host so it should be good.

>     Maybe you can use the post-creation domain fixing commands from
>     https://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/ListServer
> What creates the actual MTA aliases?  Was newlist hacked locally to do
> that?  I don't see anything in mycreate_list.pl which does it.

There's no aliases, there's Exim code to check the presence of files
(namely, those domains/* ones)

> Mail still apparently isn't getting delivered; I've sent a couple test
> msgs, but 
> /var/mailman/archives/private/www-commits.mbox/www-commits.mbox
> doesn't exist, so I don't think they went anywhere.

Can you check in ~mharc/mboxes?

> Anyway, it's no problem to delete the list and let you guys create it
> if that's the easiest way to recover.  I can resubscribe the few people
> who have already managed to join.

Up to you :)


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