Follow-up Comment #12, sr #104924 (project administration):


First, there's no plan to support Bazaar.

Supporting another SCM means more than patching sftp, it means making sure
all other third-party tools, such as web repository browsers, PQMs, etc.,
also works.

Likewise, if a client-server protocol is used in GNU Arch in the future, we
won't be able to enforce its use until all Arch variants also use it.

We won't make those efforts for anything else than GNU Arch for the time
being, be it ArX or Bazaar or any other GNU Arch-based SCM.

We do plan to provide an experimental area for other SCMs that will come with
fewer warranties, especially it's long-term availability, but we also have
other tasks to perform, so we can't work on that right now.

If people want to get free, volunteer-provided ArX services, then Savannah is
not the place to look for, indeed, though we never stated otherwise.

Of course, if people decide to be unhelping and use the Arch area for other
goals than the ones we planned, and this becomes a burden for us at a point
in the future, then we'll have to close those areas. Somebody used the Arch
area as webpage and download area. That's not it's designed for, it breaks
the different assumptions we can have on the repository when adding
third-party tools, it also involves a different kind of load on the Arch
server, so we cannot accept that.

Thanks for your understanding and all the best for your project.


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