
Sorry for the delay.

If you want to submit a project, visit
http://savannah.gnu.org/register/ and your project will be reviewed.

You should however probably submit the Polish language data directly
to the 'calendar' application. The Usenet newsgroup you mention should
also probably host your FAQ.


On Tue, Nov 29, 2005 at 02:51:17PM +0100, Kacper Perschke wrote:
> Dear Misters,
> I'm asking you directly because the freashmet.net team gave me the
> negative answer.
> I'ld like to submit tree projects to the public servers under the GPL
> or its relatives.
> - Small Perl program presenting information on the usage of end user 
> connection
>   in one of the polish brodband ISPs.
> - Polish language data for the calendar aplication.
> - FAQ for one of the polish language Usenet group.
> May I use your server for keeping them or not?

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