Hello guys.

https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/goldenpod is not valid html


At first, one problem I see is that a <br> should be a <br />.

If someone would like to fix that bug he should also fix the following list:

admin/group_type.php: print '<br>'.specific_showinput(_("Selected SCM:"), '<select name="form_homepage_scm">

include/trackers_run/digest.php: print '<hr class="clearr" /><p class="smaller">'._("Latest Comment Posted:").'<br>'.utils_make_links($last_comment).'</p>';

mail/admin/index.php:                   <b>Mailing List Name:</b> <br>';

At second, I think the <meta ... /> stuff occurs in

and should also be fixed in:

faq/export_html.php: <meta name="Generator" content="The Savannah FAQ system http://savannah.gnu.org";>

At third, the '&' should be a '&amp;'.

At fourth,
<div class="boxitemalt"><font class="smaller">

Group Type: <b>non-GNU software & documentation</b>

produced an error "character "&" is the first character of a delimiter but occurred as data"

I think we should also masked the "&" there. But it seems like this data is stored in the database directly, so you know better where to search for his then I. :-)

Hope this helps you a little bit to go faster to this item.

Sebastian Wieseler

| kickino.org || savannah.gnu.org || gnu.org || forkbomb.ch |

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