
This is a software issue that was very recently fixed in Savane, the
software we use to manage Savannah.

We'll upgrade in the near future.

Thanks for the report.


On Sat, Jun 25, 2005 at 07:22:02PM +0400, Dmitry M. Shatrov wrote:
> hello, savannah-help-public
> I have an encoding problem with russian localization:
> savannah.org doesn't display properly in any of my web browsers -
> mozilla, mozilla firefox, konqueror..
> The problem is that to view the page I have to manually set up the
> incoding to be iso-8859-5, while html header says that he content is in
> utf-8 (and it is displayed as utf-8 each time I hit 'refresh')
> That simply means that for me (and for others russian users probably)
> savannah.org is unusable - imagine I give somebody a link to my
> projects, he types it in and what? it's abracadabra.
> If you give me an email of a russian localization maintainer, I'd talk
> to him. Or just fix the encoding, if it's not that hard.
> I'm not on the list
> Thank you and bests regards, Dmitry

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