We were looking in to supporting GNU Arch on Savannah, though right now it's 
certainly on the back burner and its exact implementation still would have to 
be figured out.

The idea of supporting subversion has come up before.  Idealy, it would be 
fantastic to have both subversions, cvs, and GNU Arch available on Savannah.  
Subversions would be easier to implement on Savannah than Arch, but for now 
there are no formalized plans to support either of the versioning systems.

On Wednesday 18 May 2005 06:15 pm, Karl Berry wrote:
> I recently heard a rumour that you were working on adding GNU Arch
> support to savannah.  Is that true, and if so, is it set in stone?
> FWIW, I personally would find subversion support far more useful for
> maintaining my GNU packages.  Based on discussions with other GNU
> maintainers, I don't think I am alone, either.
> Just thought I'd mention it, no particular reply needed :).
> Happy hacking,
> karl
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