You should get your piano tuned at least once a year whether you play it or not.
I hope you don't mind me writing you. I came across your e-mail address after looking around some web sites in my service area and thought I'd ask if you, personally, are in need of a professional piano tuner or might know of someone you could forward this e-mail to. I've been tuning pianos for donations for the past 11 years so payment is whatever you can afford so if your piano sounds like an old-time saloon piano you now have no excuse to get it all tuned up. The reason for donations-only piano tuning is that I love what I do and people pay me enough to continue doing it. It's that simple. Although it might seem unnecessary, it's important to keep a piano in tune even if it's not being used. When your piano is in tune, a combined string tension of about 20 tons is exerted on the piano's structure. As the piano goes out of tune, the tension of the strings changes to varying degrees in different parts of the piano. If the tension becomes too uneven from one section to another, undue stress is exerted on the piano's frame. Also, a piano is much more difficult, and sometimes impossible to tune well after a period of neglect. For these reasons every piano should be tuned at least annually. If your piano keys are cracked or chipped, I can fix that as well. $150.00 will get you all new white plastic piano key tops. Add $50 and you can have ALL the key tops replaced, black and white! Write me back for more information on this. What's the age of your piano? Write to me with the pianos name and serial number and I'll get back to you with the birth year of your instrument as soon as possible. You can visit my website or call me if you have any questions or you can schedule a time right now at Thanks and I'm sorry if I bothered you or if you don't need this service, Doug Freeze (626) 290-0908 (If this message went out of my area, I apologize. It's not meant to be Spam. I service the entire Southern California area.) P.S. There's no need to write me back and ask to be removed from my mailing list as I don't have one, nor will your e-mail address ever be given away or sold to anyone. _______________________________________________ Savannah-help-public mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]