
I am one of the tsp project admin and
want to do 2 operations on our CVS tree
I cannot do without your help:

1) Move tsp_whitepaper and tsp_bbguide top-level CVS modules
   inside tsp_docs top-level CVS module.

   I made a bad choice making those 2 modules
   top-level CVS modules.

2) Install the joined CVSROOT/modules file.
   This file defines only one module
   which makes it easy to get all CVS 
   tsp top-level modules.

The file contains essentially 2 useful lines:

################## TSP all-in-one module ########################
tsp_all &tsp &jtsp &tsp_docs

Thanks in advance.

# Three different line formats are valid:
#       key     -a    aliases...
#       key [options] directory
#       key [options] directory files...
# Where "options" are composed of:
#       -i prog         Run "prog" on "cvs commit" from top-level of module.
#       -o prog         Run "prog" on "cvs checkout" of module.
#       -e prog         Run "prog" on "cvs export" of module.
#       -t prog         Run "prog" on "cvs rtag" of module.
#       -u prog         Run "prog" on "cvs update" of module.
#       -d dir          Place module in directory "dir" instead of module name.
#       -l              Top-level directory only -- do not recurse.
# NOTE:  If you change any of the "Run" options above, you'll have to
# release and re-checkout any working directories of these modules.
# And "directory" is a path to a directory relative to $CVSROOT.
# The "-a" option specifies an alias.  An alias is interpreted as if
# everything on the right of the "-a" had been typed on the command line.
# You can encode a module within a module by using the special '&'
# character to interpose another module into the current module.  This
# can be useful for creating a module that consists of many directories
# spread out over the entire source repository.

####################### TSP all-in-one module ################################
tsp_all &tsp &jtsp &tsp_docs

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