Title: BlueArc Corporation
CCNY is a proud reseller of BlueArc’s Titan SiliconServer, the premium network attached storage system for increasing performance in data intensive business applications. Titan utilizes hardware acceleration in the entire data-path, delivering performance unmatched in the industry. What this means for your business is dramatically faster application environments that improve productivity, accelerate production schedules and reduce time-to-market – all of which impact your bottom line.

This customer-proven, hardware-implemented architecture maximizes data access and user loads with extremely low latency, resulting in increased productivity and significantly reduced cost of ownership.

If you demand maximum performance from applications critical to your business, call CCNY today and learn how BlueArc storage solutions can improve your bottom line!

CCNY delivers the most advanced solutions for Network Security and Storage. Products like Fortinet, Array Networks, F5 Networks, Bluecoat and BlueArc interoperate to provide "Best of Breed" technology for your business.
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