Matt Kavanagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a tapoté :

> On Sun, Oct 26, 2003 at 05:16:28PM +0100, Mathieu Roy wrote:
>> ...
>> find later reasons to stop trusting the FSF, it will be easy for you
>> to relicense your software under the GPLv2 only.
>> ...
> To not release any further code under anything other than the GPL v2, yes;
> however already released code would still be licensed under v2 or later.


In fact, all the persons that got a release with the GPL v2 or later
would be able to use it according to the GPL v2 or later. A licensed
is attached to an instance of the code, not to a version of the code.

The point is not that there is no risk. The point is: we consider more
harmful a release under the GPLv2 only than the risk that at some
point the FSF may begin to be nasty. 
I do not believe that the FSF can begin to be nasty as long as RMS is
here and if there is any sign of nasty things in preparation, you can
stop releasing your code under the GPLv2 and later (any versions you
want), even to ask people to stop distributing under the GPLv2 and
later (but it's up to them), something that should not be a big deal
is the FSF is really misbehaving.

Mathieu Roy

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