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Chris McGinlay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: fdl
Other License: 
Package: RockStanza.Info - Iron Age brochs of Shetland
System name: rockstanza
Type: non-GNU

Purpose is to provide a free resource on Iron Age brochs in Shetland.  A comprehensive 
photographic database is under development, using PHP and GD with MySQL database to 
provide the functionality.  I desire to use the GNU FDL for the project in order to 
protect its usefulness for all interested parties.

At this stage the main thrust of effort is getting 20 brochs (140 or so are thought to 
exist) photographed and entered into the database, along with sufficient basic search 
/ browse functionality to enable a launch of the resource to the general public.

After this, the PHP behind the scenes will become the focus of development.

Other Software Required:
Apache, MySQL and GD graphics library

Other Comments:
There is no source code available yet, although the 'Browse' functionality at 
www.rockstanza.info works reasonably well.

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