Martynas Jocius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a tapoté :

> From: Martynas Jocius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: submission of OpenDict -
> To: Mathieu Roy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2003 12:31:58 +0300
> User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.4i
> X-URL:
> Hello,
> Several weeks ago I tried to register and later re-register OpenDict project
> in GNU Savannah, but got no reply after the second try

Didn't you receive this message

> . I wonder to know what I have to do to register the project there?

You have, since your second registration was not providing information
asked at the first one.

> If OpenDict stands for "open" but not free project for you, it can
> be taken as non-gnu project even it *is* free and open
> source. 

We only host free software at Savannah. So OpenDict must be free

But you have the right to think your software as open source software,
which should be theoretically the same thing than free software, but
it is no so obvious.

We do ask as favor to people that want us to host them to promote the
expression we think the better.
So that's why we would like you to consider replacing open by free.

However, we know that free (free beer?) may be as problematic as open
(ability to read the code?). Some project choose "libre" instead of
free, which is totally unambiguous.

So please make a decision with your project name, register it and
explain, during the registration, your decision - note that we may
reject your project if you keep opendict and we find your reasons not
convincing for us (however, it never happened that we reject a project
for this reason).

Is it more clear? Feel free to ask for more explanation from us, if
something is still unclear to you.


Mathieu Roy

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