
The following project was submitted to Savannah. It needs evaluation to
become a GNU package, can you give it a look, please ? 

Submitter: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Project Full Name:  Jessie - A Free Implementation of the JS
Project System Name:  jessie
License:  gpl
Approval URL: https://savannah.gnu.org/admin/groupedit.php?group_id=5476
Description: Jessie is a free implementation of the Java Secure Sockets Extension,

the JSSE, which is a standard Java API for creating network sockets

with the Secure Socket Layer, SSL. Jessie includes a cleanroom

implementation of the JSSE classes (the packages javax.net,

javax.net.ssl, and javax.security.cert) and a full provider that

implements the SSL version 3 and TLS version 1 protocols.

Jessie depends on only two other software packages: GNU Classpath

and GNU Crypto, and all development is currently being done with the

Kaffe free VM. The goal of Jessie is to be a &quot;drop-in&quot; implementation

of the JSSE for packages such as GNU Classpath, as well as implementing

more and hopefully better cipher suites than other proprietary

implementations of the JSSE.

The current home page for Jessie is

&lt;http://metastatic.org/source/jessie/&gt;, and the current beta-quality

release is &lt;http://metastatic.org/source/jessie/jessie-0.9.2.tar.gz&gt;.

We like to think that &quot;JESSIE&quot; means &quot;Jessie Executes Secure Sockets

In Excess&quot;.

 -- the Savannah admin

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