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Joseph Pingenot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: GNU School
System name: gnuschool
Type: GNU

GNU School is a project to create a complete computer administration system for a high 
school (although other schools will be supported in the end, my testbed is a private 
US high school).  It should have the following components:

  1) Web-based interface

  2) Class and pupil grade book

  3) Mailing lists by pupil and groups (e.g. classes)

  4) Class pages

  5) Calendar for staff and students

  6) Assignment lists and class resources

This is for starters; it will eventually evolve to have webmail and non-web 
interfaces.  The point is that it's a componentized, one-stop school system based upon 
Free standards and software.  The web stuff will be based on a standard LAMP 
(GNU/Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), and will likely have an LDAP backend for account 

Other Software Required:
At the moment:

  1) Apache

  2) GNU/Linux

  3) PHP

  4) MySQL, if appropriate

  5) OpenLDAP

  6) Some MTA (e.g. exim)

  7) Mozilla will be recommended, although all web pages will be written to the W3C 
standards (XHTML and CSS, with as little JavaScript as possible, which is very doable 
for me.  :)

More will likely follow, e.g. Ogg, Gnumeric, etc. formats for resource files.

Other Comments:
I'm currently a part-time web developer at a private US high school, and they're 
looking to eventually transition to GNU/Linux.  A lot of what they're looking to do 
could be rolled into this project, if they're amenable to it.  If not, I can use it as 
a learning experience so that I can know the target audience better.

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