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Rodolphe Saugier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: lgpl
Other License: 
Package: Tiny Configuration File Library
System name: tinycfgfile
Type: non-GNU

This is a tiny multiplatform C library to read/write simple configuration files. It 
only depends on basic libc functionalities.

The configuration file is a text file with each line following this format:

<keyname> = <value>

where <keyname> is an identifier, and <value> is a literal constant that may be:

 - An integer

 - A float 

 - A string (with partial support for C-like syntax)

Comments are also accepted (prefixed by ';').

The contents of the config file are not kept into memory (the file is always the 
reference). The library is intended to be kept extremely simple, so that *any* C 
program would be able to reuse it.


 - Small size (memory consumption).

 - Portability (standard C compliance).

 - As few dependencies as possible.

 - Reusability.

 - 100% reliability (Unit tests should be written)

 - That no one ever reinvents such a thing again ;) (ok, maybe I'm the fool ;o) 
(but... why everybody's laughing at me???)

Very preliminary source code URL: http://rolf1.free.fr/dnload/configfile.tar.gz

Thanks for reading folks :)

Other Software Required:
No dependencies other than libc.

Other Comments:
Anyone having a better name idea for this thing ?

Thanks for Savannah!!!

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