Ramanan Selvaratnam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Mathieu Roy wrote:
> >>As the machine I am using now is temporary is it
> >>adequate to just generate the key as instructed and just save the
> >>private key only?
> > You can remove your key once you stop using that computer.
> >
> So for every machine generate a new SSH keypair and share the public
> key via the personal page and wait for the cron job?

You use a different machine everyday? In this case, it must be truly
pained, I admit it.
But if you use a computer for a month, it should be safe.

Anyway, I plan to have little cronjob for users related stuff in the
future :)

> Looks like time to work only off my laptop.

Yeah, maybe,

Mathieu Roy
  Not a native english speaker: 

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