On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 01:38:59AM -0700, Jonathan Walther wrote:
> Someone switched the sshd configuration to use the so-called "chroot"
> version of the sftp subsystem.  This does not work, it has never worked,
> and it CANNOT work.  Any project that wants to have an arch repository
> needs it to work, including my project.
> sftp has never yet been compromised, and the version of ssh on Savannah
> is up to date.  The directory permissions are set correctly.  What is to
> worry about?  Noone is able to access anything with sftp they cannot
> ALREADY access with ssh.

let me get this straight...

savannah users (those who are registered, have valid accounts etc) get
a normal full ssh shell account on this machine, not chrooted.  sftp
only allows connections from these same authenticated real accounts
(no `anonymous'), and yet sftp is being chrooted?

as a sysadmin myself, ill state that this makes no sense.  sftp is
only available to the same users who already have a full shell, there
is no additional threat from it that is not already present by
allowing shell access.

Ethan Benson

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