A package was submitted to savannah.nongnu.org
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Félix Llorente Pastora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: The linuxap-EnHanced project
System name: linuxap-eh
Type: non-GNU

This project is a NEW small distribution derived from GNU/Linux specially from the 
small linuxap distribution, that can be run under a small wireless Access Points, and 
porting the beneficts of GNU/Linux to wireless world.

Other Software Required:
BusyBox, UClibc, iptables, kaodv, openvpn, hostap, cramfs, pcmcia-cs, bridge-utils, 

That's all the soft we use, and of course GNU compiler gcc to compile UClibc and linux 

Other Comments:
Whe have permission from the author of LinuxAP to start a NEW distribution, and 
becouse he doesn't wont to use our changes, whe have to make our way to start a new 

We have a big list of patches... but it will derive in a new distribution independent 
from the original linuxAP, it will be totally fork.

We will put linuxap patched with our patches on cvs and start to work from it.

The links to get this patches are at:


and the original linuxap distribution (that we will fork):


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