Hi, I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > Un projet a été soumis à savannah.gnu.org > Ce courriel a été envoyé à [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Cedric Moreau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a décrit le projet comme suit : > Licence: gpl > Autre Licence: > Paquet: Speed Touch ADSL modem bandwidth stats > Nom système: stp-bw > Type: GNU > > Description: > Bandwidth tool for Alcatel Speed Touch 510 ADSL modem. > > Gets bandwidth stats from modem by using a perl script, and stores datas into a > Round Robin Database. > > Provides also a CGI example, for displaying day or week statistics into a PNG image. > > Perl source available at ftp://ftp.moreau.dnsalias.net/pub/linux/stp-bw-1.0.tar.gz In order to release your project properly and unambiguously under the GPL, please place copyright notices and permission-to-copy statements at the beginning of every file of source code. In addition, if you haven't already, please copy a copy of the plain text version of the GPL, available from (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt), into a file named "COPYING". Additional instructions are available from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html. The GPL FAQ explains why these procedures must be followed. To learn why a copy of the GPL must be included with every copy of the code, for example, go to http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#WhyMustIInclude Please register your project once more with the changes mentioned above. We cannot track projects that have been answered but not approved, so we must ask you to register the project whenever you change the registration. Make sure to apply all changes so you need to reregister only once. The re-registration URL found in our acknowledgement of your earlier registration will direct you to the proper location. Regards, -- Mathieu Roy Homepage: http://yeupou.coleumes.org Not a native english speaker: http://stock.coleumes.org/doc.php?i=/misc-files/flawed-english _______________________________________________ Savannah-hackers mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/savannah-hackers