
I'm sorry to bother you with this, but since - sensationally put - it's
about the future of Free Software I'm hoping for your help:

On September 1st the European Parliament will start discussing a
proposal for a new pro-software-patent-legislation in Europe. A vote on
the proposal is planned to take place on the same day or the days
thereafter. Unfortunately the pro-software-patent lobbyist are very
strong but the opposition isn't sleeping either:

To raise the attention of the press and of MEPs (members of the European
Parliament) the FFII (http://www.ffii.org) is organizing a demonstration
and conference in Brussels on August 27th (http://swpat.ffii.org/
news/03/demo0819). In parallel there will be an online demonstration

As a member of the FFII I'm helping to organize this online demo. I
already contacted several free software projects and some have agreed to
participate. However, contacting all of them individually is a tedious
task. Therefore we had the idea to ask Savannah:

Would it be possible to inform all maintainers of projects
hosted on Savannah about this online demonstration? Do you have some
kind of newsletter where a small announcement could be placed?


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