On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 07:37:14PM -0700, Tom Lord wrote:
> I couldn't do it.   I've been setting up the `gnu-arch' project on
> savannah over the past week or so.    All I can is: _wow_ -- this is a
> great infrastructure.
Thanks Tom, and welcome to Savannah.

I'd like to ask you whether you can give us some help on setting up arch in
Savannah. We'd like to give Savannah projects the possibility to choose among
CVS and arch. To be able to do it, we have to understand how to provide the
same services we currently have for CVS, using arch (for example what to use
instead of viewcvs to browse an arch repository via web and how to control
access by Unix groups).

I'll leave on vacation until August 24th, but when I come back I'd like to
spend some time on that task.


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