A package was submitted to savannah.nongnu.org This mail was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bjarke Freund-Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows: License: gpl Other License: Package: advanced information monitor System name: aimon Type: non-GNU Description: I started this project for me to learn practical use of the C++ programming language, the autotools, and the different tools for managing open source projects (cvs, diff, etc.) But it is certainly meant to be a usable and comprehensive project. I will program the entire project in C++, and use the ncurses, and the libxml2 library. I will aim to follow the C++ standard, and make it POSIX compatibly, but mainly being developed under and for GNU/Linux. I write this software because I need a semi-transparent tool sitting in the corner of my desktop, where I can see it always, watching that my servers are up an running, how many users they got, and generally to monitor my servers. The project will rely on plugins to provide the informations, the plugins being small programs taking parameters specified in the custom conf file, and provide it's results to std out. I aim to provide at least the following plugin functions as default: for the monitoring oriented: - users of the system - load avg. - uptime - clock - tcp/udp port respond watch and desktop oriented: - tv program list - RSS feed - xmms playing song (and possibly other music player support) - new mail watch - web site update watch The project will use the xml format for configuration files, and possibly in the future a server part to provide information from other machines. The above text is the one I submitted to sourceforge some days ago, I later read this http://mail.fsfeurope.org/pipermail/discussion/2001-November/001966.html statement, and decided to move the project. A "make dist" tarball of the current cvs code is at http://rocekiller.dk/aimon-0.1.3cvs.tar.gz . The complete project will be released under the GPL license. Hope to get this project approved, so I can continue developing in a truly free manner. Other Software Required: libXML2 libncurses the plugins will mabe rely on other libraries for fetching information, but _always_ on libraries released under a free software license Other Comments: _______________________________________________ Message sent via/by Savannah http://savannah.gnu.org/ _______________________________________________ Savannah-hackers mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/savannah-hackers