
The following project was submitted to Savannah. It needs evaluation to
become a GNU package, can you give it a look, please ? 

Submitter: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Project Full Name:  GHome Mover
Project System Name:  ghomemover
License:  gpl
Approval URL: https://savannah.gnu.org/admin/groupedit.php?group_id=4888
Description: GHome Mover - Home Directory transportation tool for Gnome.
GHome mover is an easy-to-use application designed to copy 
(carbon-copy) a home Directory from a user to another. This application also 
looks at the files for references to the old directory and replaces with 
the references of the new dir. Ownership can be changed.
If you are a MSWin. user think on GHome Mover as the &quot;Files and 
Settings Transfer Wizard&quot; application.
The efficiency of this application changing references is about 98% 
(I think i can improve it in future versions with YOUR help). 
GHome Mover was designed for the Gnome Desktop 2.x but can run fine 
in KDE. It is distributed under the GNU/GPL License.
GHome Mover can work with other types of folders rather than HOME 
types. It works even with MSWin. FAT directories.
Designed and Programmed by Daniel Brooke Peig - From Brasil

 -- the Savannah admin

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