
I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah.

On Sat, Jul 05, 2003 at 06:14:00AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> A package was submitted to savannah.nongnu.org
> This mail was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Denis Rojo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
> License: gpl
> Other License: 
> Package: dyne:bolic
> System name: dynebolic
> Type: non-GNU
> Description:
> dyne:bolic bootable GNU/Linux CD
> http://dynebolic.org
> dyne:bolic GNU/Linux is a live bootable distribution working directly from the CD 
> without the need to install or change anything on harddisk. It can recognize most of 
> your hardware devices and offers a vast range of softwares for sound and video 
> production, streaming, 3d modeling, peer to peer and filesharing, deejaying and 
> veejaying, games, a world navigator with detailed maps and factbooks and much more ;)
> Surf, stream and broadcast both sound and video; record, edit, encode and stream, 
> all just in one CD you have simply to boot.
> dyne:bolic 1.0 it is shaped on the needs of media activists to stimulate the 
> production and not only the fruition of digital and analog informations. It takes 
> birth as a grassroot effort to spread free software and the spirit of sharing 
> informations. 
> PLEASE NOTE i'm not asking to open a project here for the distribution itself, but 
> to use your bugtracking system for it and to host the NEST (~installation) 
> application sourcecode i'm writing (GNU GPL of course) for dyne:bolic, plus some 
> other tools in C/GTK+ and shell scripts.

Ok, that is fine.  

> I'm sorry i can't give you a url of this software, as it is now is not published 
> anywhere... let me know if i should send a code snapshot to you.

Can you send me a tarball (via e-mail) with a snapshot of NEST?


Rudy Gevaert                [EMAIL PROTECTED]           
Web page                    http:/www.webworm.org
GNU/Linux for schools       http://www.nongnu.org/glms
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