
I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah.

On Fri, Jul 04, 2003 at 06:28:05PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> A package was submitted to savannah.gnu.org
> This mail was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Lucas Nussbaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
> License: gpl
> Other License: 
> Package: GNU Thales
> System name: thales
> Type: GNU
> Description:
> Thales is an IRC to MySQL Gateway. It connects to your IRC network as a service, and 
> converts messages he receives to SQL queries to update the database. It doesn't 
> build stats or anything else. Thales gives you the database, but it's your role to 
> write PHP scripts to extract data from it. Some example applications are provided.

Please register your project again including a URL
(could be temporary) where we can find the source code.
The description you give during project registration will be
read by Savannah administrators and not by the general public;
if you are concerned with privacy, you can
send me a copy of the code by e-mail,

We would like to look at your source code, even if it is still
not functional, to help you fix potential legal issues which
would be harder to correct after the project gets approved.
For example, to release your program properly under the GPL,
you should write copyright notices and copying permission statements
at the beginning of every source code file,
as explained in http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.

> Other Software Required:
> Thales needs the mysqlclient library. Running a mysql server not too far from the 
> box where thales is run is also required.
> Other Comments:
> RMS allowed Thales to be part of the GNU project, but I still have to work on some 
> details.

Can you forward me a mail from RMS?

Rudy Gevaert                [EMAIL PROTECTED]           
Web page                    http:/www.webworm.org
GNU/Linux for schools       http://www.nongnu.org/glms
Savannah hacker             http://savannah.gnu.org

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