
The following project was submitted to Savannah. It needs evaluation to
become a GNU package, can you give it a look, please ? 

Submitter: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Project Full Name:  songorganizer
Project System Name:  songanizer
License:  gpl
Approval URL: https://savannah.gnu.org/admin/groupedit.php?group_id=4741
Description: Script to organize a directory containing ogg and mp3 files.

The biggest problem for me, during my tries to organize music files, was the choice of 
the directory structure. Should the directory structure reflect the author or the 
genre or may be the album? I ended up with the conclusion, that no ideal directory 
structure exists. So I wanted different virtual directory structures to the same data. 
Thanks to the symbolic links capability of the file systems I use (ext2, ext3, ...) 
this dream has become reality!

The script gets a list of _data directories, in which the real ogg and mp3 files 
reside. The script has to read informations like author, album, genre,  ... from these 
files and create parallel directory structures, which just contain symbolic links 
(like pointers) to the directories in which the real files live.

The goal is to create virtual directory structures, which give different views of the 
data, but without having redundant copies of the files themself.

A version for revisioning can be found here:

 -- the Savannah admin

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